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If your students love UNO, they will love this similar style game.  A great addition to any explicit systematic phonics program. Games and playful activities are a great way for students to get multiple exposures of the sounds and alternative spellings of the alphabet code.

In the beginning, it is hard word blending to read.  Students need lots of repeated practice. Once children move on to CCVC and CVCC words some need to have lots of repetition to build strong blending skills.


4 packs of cards – 2 fonts Sassoon and South Australian

CVCC words

CCVC words

CCVC and beyond also includes digraphs

Digraphs ck, ch, sh, th, ng

Playful activities are a great way to reinforce learning and build skills.

The favourite game here is our version of UNO —  fewer rules.  Instructions included.  We also use the cards to play many traditional games that have few rules such as snap, matching pairs and Go Fish. Games are a great way to get multiple exposures to the sounds and spellings of the alphabet code.

A new game we have been playing is with our Pop It board.  I will add a post about this soon.

disCARD clusters and digraphs

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